$1 for tahoe

Keeping the Lake Tahoe area clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy takes 100's of community organizations and 1000's of volunteers annually.

TAHOEbottle is proud to support this effort with $1 from every bottle sold and the profits from every sticker sold.


Drink More Water

Drinking more water daily has numerous health benefits, my favorite is more energy and better focus, but the list is long and includes, less anxiety, clearer glowing skin, less cravings, flushing toxins from the body and less headaches just to name a few.

You will look and feel better just by drinking more water daily.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


free and easy

We love reviews and the best review is YOU using a TAHOEbottle enjoying your adventure.

Follow TAHOEbottle on Facebook and Instagram. Tag your adventure photos with @tahoebottle for your chance to recieve free product.


TAHOEbottle Guarantee

We’ve spent years testing our bottles in the Lake Tahoe area: hiking, kayaking and camping on all kinds of adventures and we love them!  We know you’ll love and use them just as much to.  


enjoy the adventure

Water Helps to Maximize Physical Performance.

Wherever adventure takes you proper hydration will maximize your performance, so hydrate, smile and enjoy the adventure!